Return Policy | Charles Tyrwhitt Pakistan


We’re not satisfied unless you’re 100% happy with your Charles Tyrwhitt purchase. Therefore we are offering a 15-day exchange policy against your purchase. Product(s) can be exchanged by reaching out to our customer service representative at 03288744747 or by emailing us about your query at The product query raised for exchange should be made within 24 hours of the delivery.

Firstly, we are sorry that you may have received a faulty item. If you believe that your item is damaged please send a clear image of the item and an explanation of the fault, plus proof of purchase, to  within 24 hours of the delivery. Once we have confirmed the item is damaged, it will be replaced with a fresh piece. The article will be collected from your doorstep via our courier partner. However, any order placed at a discounted price cannot be exchanged, returned, or refunded.